A Travelogue : Where the Show Began

Since 2013, Michelle has been semi-nomadic, taking multiple cross-country journeys, and recording her experiences in word, image, and movement.

Heather, based in Pittsburgh, has been on her own internal journey, capturing her reflections in song, while also wondering about the possibilities of grounding herself in a different location.

Both Michelle and Heather grew up in multiple parts of the US (and other countries), and have spent years thinking about what “home” means, what it means to travel or move, and how those things relate to identity, relationships, career, and lifetime growth.

Heather and Michelle were housemates in college, and have kept up an intermittent but ongoing conversation over the years — through handwritten letters, then email, then facebook and texts, always savoring the times they could talk and laugh in person as well.

A couple of years ago, they began mulling over the idea of combining their arts into a cohesive performance they could tour and share with others. This ultimately became We Know There Are Oceans.

Weaving together their stories and songs, writer-performer Michelle Milne and singer-songwriter Heather Kropf take the audience on a 90-minute journey through themes of travel, home, and identity.

Life Off-Script

We value pursuing questions and venturing into the unknown — geographically, metaphorically, emotionally, mentally, and physically. These values sometimes take us into adventures and quandaries we didn’t foresee.

How can we live a life true to ourselves while navigating a cultural expectations?

How do we navigate self and relationships — and the sometimes parallel, sometimes competing twists and turns of both?

How do other people navigate their own definitions of home, self, and relationship?

These are the things we think about, and some of the things we explore in this show.

Moving Forward

We had a wonderful Pacific Northwest kick-off tour in 2018, and want to bring it to as many people as we can across the country in 2019-20. We are looking for a variety of hosts, such as colleges, retreat centers, churches, and community groups - and we also love the intimacy of house shows. We can keep it simple, or we can provide add-ons such as workshops or talks. Either way, we look forward to bringing our show to more people, and continuing the conversations.



Next show: Harrisonburg VA




If you are interested in bringing the show to your community, please be in touch by clicking below. We look forward to talking to you about the possibilities!