We are so grateful to our audience members for sharing their reflections on our show after they experienced it.

The evening was spellbinding. We are still reflecting on the music and the stories.
— Nancy
Last night was such a wonderful gift. Their combined spirit, energy and talent provided an uplifting and fulfilling tonic.
— Leigh
Thoughtful, compelling entertainment
— Dan
The fact that it involves a mix of Heather’s songs and Michelle’s stories means it engages the mind and the heart in different ways. Sometimes I get bored with a ‘typical’ concert or reading, but the combination and interplay of story and song worked really well and kept me very engaged.
— Dave
...both offerings wove a soft & yet sturdy quilt that I so enjoyed...
— Sue
What a delightful evening!
— Allegra
A pleasant and engaging afternoon!
— Steve
An exceptional job of weaving the work together ... One of my favorite things about good art is how it inspires new thoughts, and that was definitely the case on Wednesday.
— Lenae

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